
Multivitamins May Increase Mortality by 4%, New Study Revealed 



United States: According to the latest statistics, about one in three US adults admit to using multivitamins regularly; however, new research shows that daily consumption does not help them live longer. 

More about the finding 

To support these facts, scientists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) analyzed the records of 400,000 healthy American individuals, the data being collected more than twenty years ago, and discovered that multivitamins do not lower the death rate. 

The researchers penned down in a press release from NIH, “The analysis revealed that the deaths from any cause of people, who took daily multivitamins were not any less than the people who did not take multivitamins at all,” Fox News quoted. 

They also added, “There were also no differences in mortality from cancer, heart disease or cerebrovascular diseases.” 

Multivitamins May Increase Mortality by 4%, New Study Revealed. Credit | Getty Images

Higher mortality risk from daily multivitamins 

Nevertheless, the subjects who claimed to use daily multivitamin supplements were seen to have a 4 percent increased risk of death, as observed from the study that was released Wednesday in JAMA Network Open. 

Their age ranged from 41 to 74 years, with a mean of 61-¾, and 164,762 deaths were ascertained during the follow-up. 

Study outcomes were analyzed according to race, ethnicity, education level, and the patient’s diet. 

The study builds on a 2022 review from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), which, after examining several pieces of research, said there was not enough evidence to determine whether multivitamin use reduces mortality, as Fox News reported. 

Moreover, the researchers wanted to address limitations by inviting more individuals to the comparative studies and assessing the effects in the longer term. 

Researchers said, “For example, people who use multivitamins may have healthier lifestyles in general, and sicker patients may be more likely to increase their use of multivitamins,” as Fox News reported. 

What more have the experts stated? 

According to Pieter Cohen, associate professor of medicine at the Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts, who was not part of the study, “This study provides further evidence that taking multivitamins, even for 20 years or more, won’t extend your life,” and, “For healthy adults, there’s no reason to add on a multivitamin unless your doctor specifically recommends it.” 

More as per Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurologist and longevity expert, who was also not involved in the study, said while providing his feedback, that “Key aspects of the study include its observational nature, the absence of a control group, and the variability in multivitamin formulations used by participants,” as Fox News reported. 

Osborn said, “Observational studies like this one can suggest associations or correlations but cannot prove causation due to the potential for confounding variables influencing both multivitamin use and mortality outcomes.” 

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