My experience using VSL#3® Probiotic Medical Food + a DISCOUNT

This post is sponsored by VSL#3® Plus, read on for my VSL3 review and discount!
Living with ulcerative colitis brings something new each day. In an effort to stay ‘on top’ of my symptoms, I take a variety of measures like being mindful of the foods I eat, exercising moderately, and using supplements designed for my needs. One of the supplements that helps
keep my symptoms at bay, especially when I am in remission, is VSL#3®. VSL#3® is the #1 prescription probiotic used by gastroenterologists and has been shown to be safe and well- tolerated in clinical trials. Be sure to read on for my VSL3 review and discount!
If you’ve followed me for some time now, you know I’ve had quite the journey with ulcerative colitis. My journey with ulcerative colitis – from my initial diagnosis in 2011 to present and everything I’ve tried along the way, including diets, supplements, testing, biologics, and more is summarized in this podcast episode. But the short version is that it’s been a rollercoaster of struggles mixed with periods of remission. Life with a chronic disease is often filled with highs and lows. Thankfully, I’ve learned a lot about ulcerative colitis and myself over the years, so now I’m able to advocate for myself and utilize every resource available to me to help me achieve and
maintain remission.
My VSL#3 review
VSL#3® is a high-potency probiotic medical food – which must be used under the supervision of a physician – and is intended for the dietary management of IBS, ulcerative colitis, and ileal pouch. This advanced probiotic medical food provides a higher CFU count and diversity of strains than other leading OTC brands to help protect the gastrointestinal tract and help manage an unhealthy gut. VSL#3® high-potency probiotics are lactose, gluten and soy free, are non-GMO verified and certified Kosher.
Your digestive tract contains trillions of bacteria. Most bacteria are considered good bacteria – the kind that keep you healthy. But you also have bad bacteria. People with conditions such as IBS & UC have more bad bacteria than good bacteria in their digestive tract. More bad bacteria can cause problems that lead to uncomfortable and even debilitating symptoms, as well as anxiety that comes from having to cope with those symptoms. VSL#3® is an advanced probiotic option that provides multiple strains of bacteria needed to restore the necessary amount of good bacteria in your digestive tract to manage your condition.
If you’re not familiar with ulcerative colitis (UC), it is a chronic disease that affects about 1 million Americans and causes inflammation and sores, called ulcers, in the inner lining of the large intestine, which includes the colon and the rectum. The inflammation causes erosion of the lining of the colon, leading to bleeding, production of pus, diarrhea, and severe abdominal discomfort. These are all symptoms I’ve experienced time and again and do everything within my power to avoid. That’s where VSL#3® comes in.
My experience with VSL#3
I’ve been using VSL#3® with much personal success. Any time I take a stool test, the bacteria in the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are often at acceptable levels which I know is thanks to VSL#3®. It’s so important that these levels are acceptable because they are considered keystone bacteria for a healthy microbiome (which is something everyone needs—and especially someone with UC). I add VSL#3® to my morning iced coffee (it’s important to mix with cold non-carbonated beverages so the potency stays strong). It’s pretty simple, I just put it in a shaker, along with collagen and some other supplements to keep my symptoms at bay. VSL#3® is a must-have, especially when I’m in remission, because it keeps me regular and helps keep my symptoms to
an absolute minimum.
It is important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage and length of therapy for your condition. It may take up to 1 month for the colonization of the gut to become optimally stable. VSL#3® Capsules and VSL#3® Unflavored 450B Packets are available for purchase without a prescription on VSL#3 is stocked or available to order at all retail chains and independent pharmacies. VSL#3® is kept refrigerated behind the pharmacy counter so ask the pharmacist.
A special VSL#3 discount
To get a discount, when ordering online at enter the code TRYVSL3 at checkout to save $5 and receive free shipping on our 2-packs. I recommend talking to your doctor about VSL#3® to determine if it is right for you. I am excited to share this great medical food in hopes that it helps you manage your symptoms and helps you feel your best. If you have any questions about my journey using VSL#3®, just ask, I’m happy to answer them!
You can find VSL#3 at retailers nationwide or on their website at If ordering from them online, enter the code TRYVSL3 for $5 off your order!
Source link: by Tina at
There is pain in healing

But there’s also a kind of beauty in it too.⠀ ⠀
We don’t want pain. We try to mask it with medication, distraction, etc., but the healing process is still happening and our body, whether we feel it fully or not, is still going through the steps.⠀ ⠀
I wish there was recovery without pain, but as I’ve learned with UC/chronic illness, the emotional, mental, and physical pain of recovery is just par for the course.⠀ ⠀
It’s like breaking a leg, having life-saving surgery, or giving birth to a child. Labor hurts, but it slowly fades away once the baby is in your arms. And eventually it’s forgotten well enough that many of us manage to get back on the horse (no pun intended!) and do it over again.⠀ ⠀
Even though I’ve had rough days, I’m grateful for healing.⠀ ⠀
Even though I have to be so mindful of what I eat and how I move my body, I’m grateful for progress.⠀ ⠀
Even though my health changes from day to day, I’m grateful for those who love and support me unconditionally.⠀
If you’re struggling with a chronic illness, I encourage you to look for all the positive things in your life. Even when it’s grey, even when you’re in pain, even when the very breaths you take, hurt, find something to encourage you.⠀
Look for opportunity. Chronic illness is far from a gift, but take a step back and look for opportunity. ⠀
And, if you’re supporting someone with a chronic illness, thank you. You matter and your love, acceptance, and encouragement are so very needed and surely are appreciated. ❤️ ⠀
via Instagram
Source link: by Tina at
I Tried the Elemental Diet for Ulcerative Colitis

I recently tried the Elemental Diet to help ease the symptoms of my Ulcerative Colitis. I’ll start by saying I’m very glad I gave it a try. And, because I know many people struggle with gut health issues, I wanted to share my personal experience through a daily journal that I kept and provide some insights about the Elemental Diet and its benefits for improving chronic health issues.
What is the Elemental Diet?
The Elemental Diet is a diet that is comprised solely of nutritionally complete formulas in a ‘pre-digested’ format. These can be ready-to-drink liquids or powders (to be mixed with water) that a person drinks throughout the day, in replacement of traditional foods. When on this diet, you do not eat food. You can drink the formulas and add water or black coffee and sometimes a few other things (MCT oil, coconut oil, salt) as needed.
Most Elemental Diet formulas contain the protein, fat, and carbohydrates you need, broken down into their most basic form of amino acids, fatty acids, and sugars. There are also vitamins and minerals added to round out the nutritional value. The point of an Elemental Diet is to allow the body to receive the nutrition it needs while allowing your digestive system to rest and recover.
An Elemental Diet is not a viable way to lose weight, and I would never recommend this to a traditional weight-loss client. It can however be a part of the solution to severe digestive issues such as Crohn’s disease, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). I will add this, the Elemental Diet should *only* be used under the direct supervision of a medical professional. Again, this is not a weight loss plan.
Elemental Diet for Ulcerative Colitis
For nearly 10 years, I have been managing two chronic health issues, ulcerative colitis and hydrogen sulfide SIBO. In an effort to reduce the symptoms, which include severe stomach pain and frequent bathroom visits, among other things, my practitioner suggested we try the Elemental Diet to give my digestive system a break.
I used Physicians’ Elemental Formula (dextrose-free). The goal was to drink at least six scoops per day. At 150 calories each (grand total of 900 calories per day), there was no way in hell I was going to survive. I aimed for 10-12 scoops per day (mixed with water) and added MCT oil to each one (which was allowed on the diet), so I was getting over 2,000 calories each day. I was also allowed black coffee and salt, so I often mixed decaf with my morning shake. It was actually really tasty! I used a blender bottle/shaker to mix up my drinks.
I also kept a journal for the full eleven days of my diet. I thought it would be a good way to remember everything, so I could easily share with my practitioner. If you’re on any type of health protocol, I highly recommend writing down your daily experiences so that you can clearly communicate with your doctor. Sometimes we forget small details that are important for your doctor to know.
My 11-Day Elemental Diet Journal
- Day 1: I had the urge to eat all day, which made it a longggg day. I was definitely overwhelmed on day 1, not knowing if I could actually go without food for so long. I was pretty cranky late in the day. I went to bed early just because I wanted the day to end.
- Day 2: Surprisingly, I slept well and didn’t wake up that hungry. However, my hunger built as the day progressed. I didn’t have dinner with my family that night because watching them eat was so depressing. Again, I went to bed early.
- Day 3: Felt really discouraged… still had 11 more days to go. Symptoms were mostly still the same. I actually ended up crying because I wanted the Elemental Diet to work so badly and didn’t see even the smallest ounce of improvement. Again, I didn’t sit with my family at dinner. Instead, I watched TV solo and went to bed early.
- Day 4: Symptoms took a turn for the worse and visited bathroom 12 times with bloody diarrhea. I thought maybe I was experiencing some sort of die-off from the SIBO? I felt exhausted all day. There was more crying.
- Day 5: I woke up in a great mood with energy! I worked out and had a busy day of work, so I didn’t think all that much about the Elemental Diet. I even sat with my family while they ate dinner. Progress! Symptoms improved compared to the day before.
- Day 6: I woke up in a good mood again and had good energy all day. I felt like I was getting into a groove with the liquid diet. I still didn’t love it, but it was more tolerable. Symptoms were pretty much the same with 10 trips to the bathroom.
- Day 7: I felt really exhausted and weak, even lightheaded at times. I practiced yoga for 20 minutes, which definitely helped my mood. It made me feel more relaxed about the Elemental Diet.
- Day 8: Symptoms increased again with 15 trips to the bathroom, and I had no idea why! I was super dehydrated and thirsty all day, so added some salt to my water.
- Day 9: I felt a bit better symptom- and energy-wise, so I went to OPEX for a workout, but I felt terrible once I got there… weak, lightheaded, off balance. I ended up decreasing my weight on a number of exercises and decided to take a break from workouts for the foreseeable future.
- Day 10: Symptoms are still the same and really starting to give up hope that the Elemental Diet will work. I’m still going to the bathroom 10+ times per day. I feel especially hungry and discouraged.
- Day 11: Talked to my practitioner on the evening of day 11 and filled him in on my symptoms. We determined it was time to call it quits with the Elemental Diet. There was no point in dragging it out for 3 more days if my symptoms weren’t improving at all.
Elemental Diet Results
So, I made it a total of eleven days. My symptoms did not improve at all. Even at the end, I was still taking frequent trips to the bathroom and continued to see blood and mucus. I was grateful when my practitioner called it quits a few days early. It was frustrating to have my intake be so restricted and not feel better as a result.
I am, however, very glad that I did this diet during a pandemic when our social activities were zero. It would have been so tough if I had a social life! I can’t imagine going out and watching other people eat and drink freely while I sipped on an Elemental Diet shake. They’re not bad, but real food is so much better!
Overall, I’m glad I tried the Elemental Diet because now I know there’s likely something more going on than JUST what I’m eating. (We recently discovered a ton of MOLD on the mycotoxin test!) Even though I didn’t see improvements, I’m still hopeful that giving my system a break did something positive for my microbiome. Again, this is not a weight loss diet. However, if you are struggling with gut issues, the Elemental Diet might be something to consider discussing with your practitioner.
Source link: by Tina at
“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.”

“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” – Brene Brown
When my struggles with ulcerative colitis began, I was scared to share all of the details.
I was worried if I told too much, people would be grossed-out or even worse, think that I was complaining too much.
We all have our own challenges… was sharing mine even valid compared to what others were going through?
But as I shared my story and began hearing from others around the world, who were experiencing some of the same symptoms I was, I realized that my sharing wasn’t just for me, it was for others too. My story was helping them discover ways to talk about their own health issues and begin advocating for themselves with their doctors and families.
And that feeling was incredible!
By speaking my truth, the good, the bad, the ugly, and by sharing the strategies I was using to manage my symptoms, I was helping others do the same.
There is someone out there right now who needs your story. They need to hear from you to know that they are not alone. Your story has a ripple effect. And your story can change lives.
Your story truly can be someone else’s survival guide.
If you’ve been sitting on a story that you feel could be life-changing to someone else, I encourage you to share it. On social media, in a blog, via video, or simply sit down and share it with a trusted friend.
You honestly never know who you’ll impact or whose life you’ll change. ❤️
Source link: by Tina at