Trauma Recovery
Better Care for Self & Others …

Let’s face it, moms are invaluable, we would not be here without them! So how important is self care really? And does self care really matter?
Disclaimer: This article has resources about restoring wellness, and is based on my research and my experiences. This information is not meant to take the place of counseling or therapy. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or need to talk to someone, wellness resources may be helpful.
Importance of Self Care for Moms
Moms Roles Valued @ $75-$143k
So, if we had to put a money value to all that moms do, how much would it cost to hire someone to do those tasks?
Moms carry many roles, taking care of children, home, spouse, job, and self.
Looking just at the roles a mom balances for her children and home, it’s estimated that a mom’s salary would value between $75,000 to $143,000 if she were paid for all the tasks she does year round. Depending on how many roles a mom is balancing and how many overtime hours she is taking care of her children and the house management, moms spend 50-90 hours a week taking care of their children and their homes.
Mom, You are valuable and worthy.
Consider how much money moms are saving their families by doing this important work themselves versus hiring out for services, like chauffeur ($93 a week) and social media marketing manager ($153 a week.) Now think about all the roles that would not get done if mom was sick or unable to take care of all the children and the house.
Roles & Value of a Mom
This is just a short list beginning to explain some of the roles that a mom take care of all day long.
o Executive Housekeeper
o Executive Chef
o Network Administrator
o Counselor
o Taxi Driver, Chauffeur
o Janitor, Sr.
o Laundry Manager
o Accountant
o Interior Designer
o Nutritionist
o Staff Nurse, RN
o Buyer
o Social Media Marketing Manager
o Judge
o Academic Advisor
You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup
Many moms may feel overwhelmed and exhausted by the end of the day balancing so many roles.
How do you take care of your children if you are too exhausted and too drained to take care of yourself?
You can’t give what you don’t have. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

3 Self Care Priorities
Self-care can help you grow in strength, calmness, and increase your ability to bounce back!
Which means the more you build your self care, the better you will be able to build your resiliency and the ability to bounce back during & after difficult times.
Do I hear a woohoo??
The better you take care of yourself, the better you can take care of others.
Beth | MooreWellness.Life
3 Self Care Truths
1. You can only give what you have to give.
That’s just the truth!
You can’t give what you don’t have!
Beth | MooreWellness.Life
So, how can you make sure to stay recharged?
Find activities you enjoy and pour them back into your life, essentially recharging yourself and pouring energy and time back into your day. The more recharged you are, the better you will be able to think, act, and love.
Personal Ways to Recharge
How do you recharge? With people or alone?
Laura Choate is a professor at Louisiana State University who specializes in girls’ and women’s wellness and mental health. Choate explains how pouring back into our lives in self care activities can helps us recharge so that we do not run empty.
2. Gain energy and a full tank to enjoy the journey.
This is one of the main reasons moms need self care, so they don’t run out of energy and run empty. You want to take care of your children; therefore, you need to have energy and a full tank to enjoy the journey.
Be a model of self-care for your children, so that one day when they are exhausted and drained, they will know how to find their center again (Eric Layne).
Layne shares her journey with young children and how to practice self care as a way of life, from lighting candles, to houseplants, and holding a warm drink in your hands. One of my favorites that Layne mentions is creating a touch point in your home and touch it to remind yourself to live in the moment (ie. doorway, sink handle).
Give yourself permission to model self care as you live life with your children.
How will your children learn to take care of themselves if you are not showing them how to do it? Children learn from observing their parents, so if we moms take care of ourselves, our children are more likely to take care of themselves.
3. Surround yourself with a good support system.
Our connections and friendships can sustain us during difficult life transitions, and help us cope better. Sometimes, you may need to hear you are not alone on your battle field, or that you are doing your best as you are being patient among the toddler tantrums.
Connect with other moms, meet at local parks, share a cup of coffee while your kids play. The more we connect with other moms, the more we build resiliency and practice self care.
Talk to a trusted friend or counselor. Whether there is a significant life transition you’re going through or a daily struggle that is challenging, talking to a friend or a counselor can help relieve stress and increase your coping skills.
Bonnie Gibbs Vengrow writes about self care not being selfish, instead self care is essential for moms in Parents Magazine.

Value of Self Care
Hopefully one of the 3 Ideas of Self Care is a good match for you and can help you improve your self care.
Self-care looks different for each person, whether you’re an extrovert or introvert personality, a stay at home mom or a working outside the home mom.
How valuable is Self Care?
- You are valuable and worthy. Remember how much money it would cost to replace all the roles you do, that can never replace who you are are and what you bring to your family, that’s worth more than any dollar amount.
- Take time for yourself just as you take time for your children. Pay attention to your mind, emotions, relationships, environment, resources, and time, to help you be your most effective and most authentic self.
- Practicing small amounts of self care throughout the day can help you handle stress when it comes at you all day long. Focus on the multisensory self care ideas (sights, smells, sounds, tastes, touch) around you to help focus on the present moment.
- You are worth caring for yourself.
- You can only give what you have to give.
- Gain energy and a full tank to enjoy the journey.
- Surround yourself with a good support system.
Moms are worth caring for themselves, so that they can better care for themselves and others while managing time and stress.

Improving Self Care
Healthy self care brings balance and wellness to your whole personhood: your mind, body, heart, and spirit.
Better Care for Self = Better Care for Others
How can you improve your self care?
Choose one of these ideas to improve your self care this week:
- How can you take care of yourself to help you be your most effective and most authentic self?
- How can you practice the smallest amount of self care throughout your day day? Consider one of the multisensory self care ideas around you to help focus on the present moment: sights, smells, sounds, tastes, touch.
- In what ways can you gain energy? Remember you don’t want to run out of energy for your kids (i.e. completely drained), so how can you be a model of self care to your children?
- Who is your good support system? If it would be helpful to create a good support system, think of 1-2 people you would like to get to know better.
I hope this journey of enhancing your self-care helps increase your energy and your wellness.
I’d love to hear from you, please leave me a comment, or join me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
More References:
Mother’s Day Index: Mom’s value inches higher, but she’s not feeling it
The Truth About How Much a Mom is Worth
Source link: by Beth Moore at
Trauma Recovery
Get More Energy: 5 Simple Do’s & Don’ts for Parents & Grandparents

Who doesn’t want more energy? Especially when you’re trying to keep up with children and grandchildren! Energy Savers & Energy Drainers There are two types of energy: (1) energy savers and (2) energy drainers. Of course I would like to always have more energy, so I am always looking for good ways to save energy! […]
The post Get More Energy: 5 Simple Do’s & Don’ts for Parents & Grandparents appeared first on Moore Wellness.
Source link: by Beth Moore at
Trauma Recovery
Back to School Ideas & How to DeStress from Anxiety

Anxiety strikes every year at the beginning of school. From kids to adults, it seems like everybody is starting school and the stress is sooo high!! Are you feeling overwhelmed this school year? So, what do we do to help with all this stress in our life?
In This Article:
- Ideas to Manage Anxiety for Back to School
- Kid’s Stress Back to School
- Pressure to Perform
- Encouraging Notes
- Support for Adults during Back to School
- Organization Helps Back to School
- Quotes for De-stressing Anxiety & Back to School
- Free Downloads for Back to School
Ideas to Manage Anxiety for Back to School
Anxiety strikes when we least expect it. We think we are doing ok and then, wham, our thought are racing, our heart is pounding, and we are frozen.
This week has been most one of the most amazing and beautiful adventures for me. At the same time, it’s been one of the scariest journeys I’ve ever been on. The more I focus on the overwhelm, the more the anxiety grows.
I’m drawing from my life experiences, my graduate school education, wisdom from those that I have seen succeed, and wisdom from those that I have seen fail. This is not counseling or therapy in any form.
So, how do we manage this anxiety?
Here are a few ideas that can be helpful during back to school when fighting anxiety.
Kid’s Stress Back to School

you know that almost 50% of America’s youth are worried about doing well
in school?
Our youth are feeling way too much pressure on them these
days. As caring adults, we can make a
difference and stop the early burnout that they’re facing by high school graduation!!
Pressure to Perform
Do you remember the stress you felt as kid and as a
teenager? Many times, we adults put too
much pressure on kids to succeed at academics, sports, lessons, leadership,
community service, competitions, social engagements, group activities, and
family activities.
The pressure to perform in our culture is so high that we don’t even feel like we can relax, because then we feel like we are being lazy.
The pressure to be perfect, make a 4.0, get into a great
college, graduate with a great degree… it’s a lot of pressure!!
This pressure causes a lot of stress on our kids!!
Anxiety and depression is sky rocketing for our youth,
suicide rates is higher than ever for our youth!
See a problem??
Kids Feel A Lot of Pressure
Here are stats that you need to know, from APA about kids feeling a lot of pressure.
- 61% of teens feel a lot of pressure to get good grades
- 29% of teens feel pressure to look good
- 28% of teens feel pressure to fit in socially
- 6% of teens feel pressure to drink alcohol
What can be done??
Let’s remember that our kids are our kids, they are not adults and should not be held to adult level responsibility and consequences. I’m all for raising responsible and contributing young adults in our society, but not when the responsibility and consequences are for beyond their development.
I’m for raising kids to enjoy their childhood and follow their dreams.
Appreciating our kids for who they are is way more important than what kind of grades they get or if they will get into a great college.
Let’s encourage each other and our kids with sweet, encouraging notes.

Encouraging Notes
Giving encouragement to your children will help them throughout the day and night. You can brighten their day before school, send lunch notes to remind them how much you love them during a stressful day, and during the evening supper or before bed give them hugs and compassion.
Encouraging our kids help them know they are in a loving home, build relationship skills to have their own family one day, and grow in compassion and confidence in a loving environment.
Want encouraging notes to give to your children and family?

Receive Free Encouraging Notes
Receive encouraging notes for every season. It’s easy and free, just print and give it to your children and your family.
Support for Adults During Back to School
that your kids are okay, you can focus on your support to make it!
feel like so many of my friends and those that I know are dealing with so much
stress in their lives that even the daily functioning and living can be
difficult to do at times.
there for each other during times of stress helps all of us actually go from
surviving to thriving. When my friends
are actually there for me, it’s amazing how much quicker I bounce back.
My experience has taught me that when I can be there for my friends, the same thing happens, they are able to bounce back so much better, too.
Investing in Relationships
you have that friend who you can count on to help you talk through tough times? If not, invest in a good friend and be there
for them. The chances are high that they
will in turn be there for you when you really need it most.
Realizing that I have friends and family who love me and support me makes the biggest difference during this time of struggle.
My support systems and my social connections are some of the most important things that get me through the day to day and struggles in life.
love my family and my tribe. Without them, I would be a lost soul. This
includes love for my God who gives me the light and the hope to continue during
dark times.

Organization Helps Back to School
So, the other day, I had a ton of things to get done but I had such a hard time concentrating because my home office was such a mess.
Now, the truth is it’s been a mess for awhile and I’ve been avoiding organizing it. That meant the mess was now getting in the way of my productivity and overwhelming me further.
year, right before the fall, when I can make the time to organize the study
area and the command center… the whole year flows better.
This year, I gave myself permission to start with cleaning for 15 minutes. If I chose to continue, that was okay, but I could also choose to stop and be proud I had at least cleaned one stack of papers.
For more help on organization, here’s some helpful tips on de-cluttering and organizing.
goal every school year is to get a good command center organized.
what does a command center need? How about
the must have’s for the command center could include…
- calendar
- key hooks
- mail organizer
- paper organizer
- pen and paper
- notes on bulletin board or white board
- shoes bin
- jackets hanger
- umbrella holder
Quotes for De-stressing Anxiety & Back to School
I hope this helps and I hope you are feeling better knowing how to help your kids and yourself start this school year off on a better foot.
you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s some motivational quotes to help you get
through the day.
Check out my PINTEREST
Over 1500+ Motivational and Inspirational Quotes!

Free Downloads for Back to School
Here’s some free download links from my friends that can help you during this time of the year when school is overwhelming and the routine and the schedules have gotten crazy.
Receive FREE Encouraging Notes
Receive encouraging notes for every season. It’s easy and free, just print and give it to your children and your family.
Blog Hop: Back to School
How about more back to school help with snacks for the kids, work day lunches, handling after school meltdowns, getting special needs kids ready for school, back to school Bible verses, and saving money back to school.
These things are very helpful and all of these articles are written by some good friends of mine in my bloggers mastermind group. We support each other and they’re part of my own social connection and support team.
I hope you enjoy their tips and free downloads that they have to offer.
More Free Downloads:
Be sure to share this with your friends and family who could use some help and encouragement during this time of the year.

Receive FREE Encouraging Notes
Receive encouraging notes for every season. It’s easy and free, just print and give it to your children and your family.
Stay Connected
love to stay connected with you, here’s a few ways to connect with me and my
Wellness community:
- Join Moore Wellness Tribe today! <– Blog Tribe
- Moore Wellness Facebook <– FaceBook page
- Beth | MooreWellness.LIfe <– Pinterest page
- Moore Wellness, LLC <– Instagram page
with me & share how you find HOPE.
Join my
Wellness Tribe & be the first to hear about wellness coping skills &
life-giving resources.

I’d love to hear from you, please leave me a comment, or join me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.
Need help finding a counselor?
If you need someone to help to talk to, counselors and mental health professionals can help provide support resources on:
- time management
- stress management
- procrastination
- relaxation skills
- goal setting
- personal development
and article ©2019 Moore Wellness
Source link: by Beth Moore at
Trauma Recovery
How to Create 12 Multisensory Safe Spaces in Mind, Body, and Spirit –

Important: This article has resources about restoring wellness, and is based on my research and my experiences. This information is not meant to take the place of counseling or therapy. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or need to talk to someone, wellness resources can help you find a counselor and other resources that may be helpful.
Disclaimer: Please note that this blog contains affiliate links. This means that if you purchase through these links, the price will be the same for you. And I’ll receive a small commission that helps support my blog and my family. Hope you have a blessed day!
What is Safety?
First, to get a bigger picture of safety, what’s does unsafe usually mean?
Unsafe = fear, danger, risk, harm
So, fear would be opposite of feeling safe. I am usually afraid when I am in danger, or feel like I am in potential danger.
Being around toxic people, conflict interactions, and tense environments can seem potentially dangerous and risky.
De-stabilizing situations can cause a person’s reaction to spiral, increasing in anxiety, triggers, fear, addictive patterns, and unhelpful behaviors.
So, now let’s tackle what safety usually means:
Safe = protected, unharmed, secure,
- Being in a safe environment
- Having safe people around you
- Making safe choices
- Having an inner peace of safety and stability
- Feeling comfortable to be yourself
- Having confidence to follow your dreams
Now that we understand what safety is, we can focus on how to create safety.
Back-Up Plans
I came away from a Sandtray Therapy training with a playlist of our favorite anthem songs. These songs lift me up, give me hope and stability, and surround me with safety. These songs are now part of my back-up plan to lift me up when I’m in a de-stabilizing situation.
This reminds me of how Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-Step Addiction Recovery Groups focus on always having a back-up plan. So, when a recovering alcoholic is feeling tempted, their back-up plan includes having 10 people ready to call to help them.
It’s important that these 10 people give encouragement, hope, and a reason to stay on track.
Just like back-up plans give:
- Support
- Hopefulness
- A way to stay safe
Moms Carry Back-Up Clothes
How many moms carry back-up clothes for their little ones in their diaper bag? The back-up clothes sure come in handy when your little one gets all messy and suddenly has to change.
Having a back-up plan is like having an extra set of clothes to wear when you spill coffee all over you. Back-up plans can help when you’re feeling unsure, surprised, or scared.

Unique Multisensory Safe Spaces
Check out these 12 ways to create safe spaces, each with specific examples and ideas. Then maybe you will be able to find ways to create your own personalized safe space.
In the list below, there are style attributes in parenthesis ( ) listed next to each safe space, These attributes describe different learning styles and unique qualities people prefer. Sometimes, people need a coping skill that matches their learning style or unique preference.
Multisensory approaches can meet people’s unique needs, offering specific coping skills for different situations.
Multisensory approaches:
- Mind/thoughts
- Body/kinesthetic
- Spirit/spiritual/mindfulness
- Heart/emotions
- Auditory/music
- Verbal/auditory
- Sensory/touch
- Nature/spiritual/kinesthetic
Other times, it can help to try something new, especially if you’re in a dry spiritual season of life. Life transitions bring new changes and a need for learning new coping skills.
Create 12 Multisensory Safe Spaces in Mind, Body, and Spirit
May these coping skills bring you peace, safety, and stability to move forward and grow on your journey of life.
1. Playlist of Songs: empowering(music/auditory, spiritual/mindfulness)
- Start with 1 favorite song, add a 2nd inspiring song, add a 3rd comforting song
- Sing out loud, helps gain mastery and empower confidence
- Write the words out to your favorite 3 songs, these are your theme songs
2. Affirmations (mind/mindfulness, verbal, auditory)
- Empowering Affirmations
- Kind Affirmations
- Positive Affirmations
- Self-Compassion Breaks
3. Body movement = Symmetry moves, bi-lateral stimulation (body/kinesthetic, spiritual/mindfulness)
- Walking, moving each leg and each arm
- Hug – give yourself a hug, wrap your arms around your chest & shoulders, tap your shoulders, squeeze yourself withlove
- Yoga poses — Child’s pose
4. Go outside (sensory, spiritual/mindfulness)
- Touch a tree
- Feel the air/wind
- Sit in the sunshine
5. Meditations (mind, spiritual/mindfulness, verbal, auditory)
- Apps — Hearing a calm voice lead you through a meditation
- Affirmations– reading them out loud to yourself
- Self-Compassion Affirmations– read & write them for yourself
Insight Timer app
Calm app
6. Grounding (spiritual/mindfulness)
- Grounding steps – intentionally walk, firmly place each foot on the ground
- Feet on the ground/floor – Place your feet firmly on the floor, being present
- Sit on the ground/floor– Feel the ground beneath your seat
7. Body Scan (body, mindfulness)
- Notice tense & relaxed parts of your body
- Start at your head and work your down towards your feet.
- Moves your thoughts focusing on your body and gets the thoughts out of the cycle stuck in your head.
8. YouTube: Meditation Relax Music (auditory/music, spiritual/mindfulness)
- Watch calming scenes of nature
- Hear beautiful calm music
- Relax your mind and emotions
- Signing bowls
- Flowing water
9. Hands-on activities: both hands (kinesthetic/body)
- Knitting
- Cross-stitch
- Painting
- Play dough
- Baking
- Draw with the opposite hand
10. Mini Nature (outdoors/spiritual) (sensory/touch, spiritual/mindfulness)
- Stones, gems, rocks, sea shells – feel how smooth, calming
- Tea lights, candles, string of lights– see the light and feel hope
- Mini-sandtray, Zen sandtray– touch the sand, be present
11. Visual Encouragement (visual, kinesthetic/writing)
- Write down encouragement on color note cards
- Hopeful Scriptures
- Positive Affirmations
- Visual sketches
12. Comforting objects (sensory)
- Weighted blanket
- Shawl
- Energy bracelets
- Miniatures
What Creates Safety for You?
So, why not come up with list of resources that create safety. Start with familiar resources that feel safe, empower hope, and encourage you. Then brainstorm ways that could be calming, kind and caring to yourself.
Real Life Application:
Considering the 12 Multisensory Safe Spaces:
- Which is the most helpful?
- What resources help you feel safe?
- How does these resources help you feel calm?
- What resources help create a comfortable space for you?
- Which resources empower you and help you feel confident?
- What fills you with hope and inner peace?
- Which safe space are you the most likely to use?
Write these items down, you’ll be more likely to remember them and actually use them.
How was this information helpful?
I hope these 12 Multisensory Safe Space ideas are helpful for you, creating a sense of safety and peace right when you need it. If this information is helpful, please share it with a friend.
I’d love to hear from you and how these 12 safe spaces help you.
Join the Wellness Tribe
I’d love to hear about your journey towards wellness! What obstacles are in your way towards wellness? What helps you gain wellness?
I hope you join us on your journey of improving your wellness. This tribe is a gathering place to improve wellness & connections, receive life-giving coping skills, and restore health in mind, body, and spirit.
I’d love to hear from you, please leave me a comment, or join me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.
Need help finding a counselor?
If you need someone to help to talk to, counselors and mental health professionalscan help provide support resources on:
- time management
- stress management
- procrastination
- relaxation skills
- goal setting
- personal development
Graphics and article ©2018 Moore Wellness, LLC. All rights reserved.
Source link: by Beth Moore at